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We recommend Neilmed Saline Piercing solution ONLY.

We proudly sell Neilmed Brand Sterile Saline Sprays at Coven! Mixing your own solutions at home or buying "piercing oils" online or using any kind of creams/ointments is not recommended is adds to many risky variables to your healing.

Most of the information that is available to non-professionals is very misleading and could lead to further issues so we recommend you use the reputable and consistent brand we provide.


  • Some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, or bruising is normal in the first few days.

  • Discoloration, itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (it's not pus, it's lymph) that will form some crust on the jewellery.

  • The tissue may tighten around the jewellery as it heals and dries. It may make it prone to cracking so we try and leave the area untouched during this time so cracks don't happen. As it heals and settles jewellery should feel less stiff and more comfortable.

  • This could take varying amounts of time. If you take your aftercare routine seriously and are careful with your piercings this process will go much smoother and faster.

  • A piercing may seem healed before the healing process is complete. This is because tissue heals from the outside in, and although it feels fine, the interior remains fragile. Be patient, and keep cleaning throughout the entire healing period. Even healed piercings can shrink or close in minutes after having been there for years! This varies from person to person; if you like your piercing, keep good quality jewellery in—do not leave it empty or it will close.


Piercing & Aftercare F.A.Q:​
  • WE DO NOT ENDORSE THE USE OF PIERCING GUNS OR PIERCING SYSTEMS! They are problematic because they cause too much trauma and they can't be sterilised in an auto clave. AVOID THESE AND ANY NON-PIERCING JEWELLERY.

  • We only pierce with piercing blade needles, specifically designed for piercing with the least amount of trauma possible.

  • We keep updated on the best and current practises in the industry.

  • We use medically sterilised equipment, new needles and new jewellery for each piercing.

  • We take every measure at our disposal to ensure the most aseptic piercings practises.

  • We provide implant grade jewellery in different ranges of quality.

  • We only work with specific types of metal - implant grade Titanium, 14 carat & 18 carat gold, Niobium and more depending on your style. Dawn can custom order almost anything in for you - feel free to pop her an email to discuss further.

  • We pierce with the jewellery indicated to promote the best healing with the least risk. For that reason we won't pierce certain types of piercings with a ring.

  • There are some exceptions where a circular barbell or a BCR ring can be used (Daith or Septum). But never with a hinged ring since the hinge will create micro-lacerations on the piercing fistula slowing the helaing process down and creating a point of entry for contamination. 

  • Most piercings will need to heal with appropriate jewellery and then can be changed into rings when fully healed.

  • If you wish to eventually wear a ring, let your piercer know this is endgame plan so they can prepare the piercing angle for it.







Your piercing is your responsibility and aftercare is very important. Please contact your piercer directly if you have any concerns. It is important for us to know if you have any issues so we can do our best to assist.

  • Follow your custom aftercare plan guide lined by your piercer for you specifically.

  • Only handle piercings with thoroughly washed hands or using clean gloves.

  • Only use the recommended products on your piercing, do not pick alternatives that were not recommended by a professional.

  • Do not expose the piercing to any other soaps, shampoos, cleansers, makeup, hair products etc.and when in the shower thoroughly rinse piercings with hot running water to ensure anything remaining is washed away.

  • Keep your jewellery in at all times and tighten it daily. This is a crucial step in your aftercare and is your responsibility. For threaded jewellery you can tighten it "righty tighty lefty loosey" and for threadless jewellery a simple push will ensure its secure.

  • If you remove jewellery your piercing fistula can shrink or even fully close.

  • If you no longer want your fresh piercing you may remove it and it is likely to heal with little to no mark but if you suspect an infection DO NOT remove the jewellery which could lead to the infection to be trapped in your bloodstream instead of being flushed out through the open wound.

  • If you need to remove your piercings for a medical procedure, for example, contact your piercer to have a non-metallic retainer instead of your metal jewellery.

  •  Carry in insertion pin with you for emergencies, in case your jewellery comes out.

  • Listen to your body, piercings may fatigue you faster and although exercise is allowed please take it easy and listen to your body.

  • Use Freshly washed and changed bedding to avoid any contamination. Stay away from fluffy materials that may shed. Use a fresh and clean t-shirt as a pillowcase on a normal pillow or a donut pillow for a safe sleeping surface.

  • ONLY RUNNING WATER on your piercing, no still water of any kind. Do not submerge your fresh piercings into potentially contaminated bodies of water like baths, pools, hot tubs, ocean, river, lakes etc. You may shower normally but only bathe if you can avoid wetting the piercing in bath water and even so you need to rinse off with running water before you're done if bathing is your only option.

  • Don't touch your piercings, don't pick at them EVER! Don't pull or twist either!

  • Avoid inflammatory things like stress, alcohol and drug use, poor diet etc to promote your body's natural healing capabilities.

  • Don't over clean and don't under clean, learn to listen to what your body needs to heal!

  • After showering and cleaning your piercing it is good practice to dry your piercing by pat drying it with clean kitchen towels or your blow-dryer on COOL mode.

  • Downsizing and Upsizing as needed.



  • Avoid tight high waisted clothing, wear lose clothing with waist lines that avoid the navel area.

  • Avoid waist lines that will tug on your new piercing.

  • If needed for sports or school wear a sterile eye patch over it temporarily although we believe piercings heal best when they can breathe.

  • Clothes you sleep in also count! Make sure you wear protective pyjamas that won't leave your navel exposed.

  • Use a Donut Pillow and Clean T-Shirt as a pillowcase. That way you have a clean pillow with a hole to nest your ear in comfortably.

  • Anything coming into contact with your ear area like your hair, accessories, other jewellery etc are potential contaminants so make sure to keep them away from your piercings.

  • Be careful when handling glasses as the handles can sometimes get in the way of some piercings.

  • Use caution when styling your hair and advise your stylist of a new or healing piercing.

  • Tie your hair up, avoid letting hair products and make-up near the area, avoid hats, wigs...

  • Rinse your mouth out in the morning and the evening with alcohol free mouth wash. Rinse your mouth out with water after each meal or drink (that isn't water)

  • Avoid smoking, vaping, alcohol, dairy, spicy foods and other inflammants whilst healing.

  • Come in for your downsize appointments to minimise damage to your teeth or gums.

  • These piercings may have a shorter life span than other piercings. One of the reasons for this is that they build up matter under the attachment that needs to be cleaned often to prevent it causing the piercing to come out due to pressure under the anchor.

  • Cleaning frequently for the entire lifespan of these piercings with Saline can increase the piercings lifespan and decrease the likelihood of it being pushed out by build up.

  • You can wear a tighter cotton top or a bra after nipple piercings., as in some cases this is protective and not detrimental to the healing process. Anything too tight will be irritating the piercings and is not recommended.

  • Appropriate underwear is necessary for vulvar and penile piercings, You want to stay away from lacey and synthetic materials and stick with nice breathable cotton in a looser fit.

  • Some genital, mostly penile piercings can and will bleed for a few days, that is normal.

  • Clean your genital piercings every time you use the bathroom and after any sexual contact. Ask your piercer for more aftercare instructions specific to your piercing or choice.

  •  Practice the best personal intimate hygiene possible, keeping all non-native bacteria away.

  • If you have sex or use toys after your genital piercings it is recommended you use a condom as barrier to protect your piercing and using sachets of lube and not pre-used bottles of lube or saliva to avoid contamination when the piercing is healing.


We recommend you include the following in your at-Home Piercing Care Kit:
  • Sterile Saline Solution spray

  • Latex Gloves to help you handle jewellery and tighten the threads antiseptic handwash to use before handling your piercings

  • One insertion pin the size of your jewellery with the correct threading to help you guide your jewellery back in without causing any trauma at home, sachets of sterile lube, spare attachments and spare bars.

  • Its good to be empowered to troubleshoot your own piercings and understand the aftercare process BUT Please do not try any techniques other than the ones recommended by your piercer directly, ask as many questions as needed and keep us updated on your healing.


Piercing Aftercare

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